Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Depression Greatly Affects Your Health

I spent the Christmas Eve morning talking to a friend of mine who was heavily depressed. About my age, late 50's, and recently lost his job, he was despondent about being less able to provide for his family (wife and one teenager in last year of High School), about being cast aside from his 18+ year job, and his declining health. Our conversation, at least of majority of it after I determined he was not suicidal, was the fact that a turn around on his health was, in part, dependent upon him coming to terms with his depression.

I think we all instinctively know that depression is bad for our physical health. All manner of symptoms can crop up.   And the first step in combating that depression is to understand it.  See a professional if you can. There are good medications out there, as much as I hate to admit it, that in moderate doses can help. The bests help however is self-help. Get better healthwise in your body and your mind will follow. This is key - get better physical health wise, be good to yourself, be exceptional to those in your life and you will get better - I guarantee it.

You need to grasp this concept, best articulated in the Serenity Prayer....."God grant me the serenity...To accept the things I cannot change;.... Courage to change the things I can; .......And wisdom to know the difference." Simply, take the crap in your life, put it in a imagery garbage bag and throw it the hell out of your life....simple, but nobody said it was easy, but you have no choice, just do it.

The following article is from Health and Fitness Cheat Sheet, titled: 5 Types of Depression You Should Know About

As crummy as it feels to go through a day or two of feeling low, those fleeting moments of sadness don’t even come close to depression. This disorder can lead to extreme fatigue and an overwhelming sadness that prevents someone from enjoying things they once loved. And it’s pretty common, affecting over 26% of American adults, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. But that’s really oversimplifying things, because there’s more than just one type of depression. Since mental illness is so prevalent, it’s important to know about these five types of depression in case you or someone you know may be suffering.

1. Major Depression. Major, or clinical, depression is a very serious mood disorder that WebMD says affects 20% to 25% of adults at some point. It can interfere with daily tasks, including work, school, eating, and sleeping. If left untreated, major depression can last for weeks, months, or even years. Symptoms include energy loss, insomnia, restlessness, and feelings of guilt or worthlessness. It can also cause loss of interest in spending time with friends and loved ones and even changes in weight.

Interestingly, clinical depression can be generational. It may also be triggered by significant life events. This includes relationship conflicts, social isolation, abuse, or loss of a loved one. It’s important to see a doctor for treatment recommendations if any of this sounds like you.

2. Dysthymia.

Also known as persistent depressive disorder, dysthymia shares some common symptoms with major depression. This includes lack of energy and concentration, no desire to take part in fun activities, and weight loss or gain. Harvard Health Publications mentions those with dysthymia constantly feel as if they’re going in and out of depression. It may be less severe than clinical depression, but it usually lasts longer. People with persistent depressive disorder can be very irritable and are more likely to develop major depression as well. Though there’s no way to prevent it, the combined use of medication and psychotherapy is usually a good option for treatment.

3. Postpartum depression.

Women who’ve given birth may experience postpartum depression (PPD) as soon as a few days after birth or not for several months, so it’s definitely important for mothers to pa

y attention to how they feel after delivery. The National Institute of Mental Health says PPD often causes extreme sadness, exhaustion, or anxiety. Women may also cry for no reason, oversleep, and may have difficulty developing an emotional attachment to their children. If left untreated, it can last for months or even years. Treatment may include antidepressant medication or counseling. If you feel these extreme symptoms after childbirth, be sure to see a health care provider to help decide what’s best for you.

4. Seasonal Depression. Seasonal depression, or seasonal affective disorder (SAD), typically occurs during the winter months. WebMD says those with SAD often feel moody, sad, and anxious during the colder months. Seasonal depression can also boost cravings for high-carb foods like bread and pasta. While it can affect anyone, it’s most common among women and those between the ages of 15 and 55.

The cause isn’t totally understood, but it may have to do with the lack of sunlight. Light therapy, antidepressants, and counseling may be used to help treat seasonal depression. Speak with your doctor if you notice the change in seasons taking an unusual toll on your mood.

5. High-functioning depression

Depression isn’t always easy to spot. In fact, some people who have it can appear completely happy and successful on the outside. But behind closed doors, they can be suffering. This is known as high-functioning depression. It’s a form of mental illness where people can complete tasks and carry out normal, everyday activities even though they feel depressed. One doctor told Well + Good she typically sees it among women who strive for perfection. It’s not easy to recognize, but some things to look out for include irritability, jokes that appear out of character, or constantly seeming detached. Meditation, speaking to a therapist, and prescribed medications can be useful. If you think you may have high-functioning depression, don’t be afraid to seek help.

You also must have humor in your life.  I have learned to laugh,....at myself, but primarily at others, Ha!  Consider this prayer.  Ain't it the truth!

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Monday, December 12, 2016

Benefits of Honey

Recently I had a cancerous tumor removed from one of my dog's ears. It was on surface of the ear and it left a nasty wound. I was suprised when the Vet had me change the dressing every day with a non-stick pad coated with all natural honey. My Vet said it would heal the wound as good or better than anything they could give me. So I was interested when I saw this article from HealthMixer on the "35 Amazing Benefits of All-Natural Honey". I hope you will too. Oh, by the way, my Dog's wound healed quickly and nicely! See the picture at right taken about 3 days after surgery.

Honey offers a wide range of trace minerals that are necessary for the body’s proper functioning. It is an anti-bacterial that can help with constipation and calcium absorption. When one endeavors to study the benefits of honey, it is completely believable that a list surpassing 75 elements can be achieved. We chose to narrow that list down to include the 35 benefits we found most amazing.

Honey is nature’s best kept medicine. Your ancestors probably found more value in it than you have ever even considered. But that’s ok, because we’re here to bring all that back! Check out these amazing benefits:

#1 Cough and Sore Throat. Honey is a phenomenal cough suppressant. In fact, according to Penn State College of Medicine (2012), it was deemed a better option for children’s coughs than any available over-the-counter option! Honey soothes on contact and stimulates saliva, which may be the reason it is so effective in coughs and sore throats.

#2 Wounds and Burns. In a 2015 issue of Contemporary Nurse, honey was labeled a better burn treatment than the ordinarily prescribed silver. This is because honey has more antibacterial properties. And, it has no toxic effects on skin.

#3 Arthritis. Manuka honey appears to be useful due to its anti-inflammatory properties. The inflammation experienced in bouts of arthritis is relieved, as is the pain. To experience this benefit, try mixing 2 tablespoons of Manuka honey with 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon in a cup of warm green tea.

#4 Insomnia and Fatigue. Honey has been labeled a super-food. Sleep induction occurs with increased levels of tryptophan and serotonin. Honey includes tryptophan. Honey raises the blood sugar, slightly. That rise in insulin, causes tryptophan to enter the brain where it is converted into serotonin. When dark, serotonin converts to melatonin which aids in sleep. Take two tablespoons of honey each night to aid in alleviating your symptoms of insomnia and fatigue.

#5 Acid Reflux and Heartburn. A mix of apple cider vinegar and honey can help reduce your acid reflux and heartburn troubles. We know it seems counterintuitive, but it is theorized that the cider vinegar and honey mix helps to balance out the pH in the gut. Plus, they are both anti-bacterial agents that can help fight off any bacterial issues that are causing the problems. Try 2 teaspoons each of honey and apple cider vinegar in water or warm tea.

#6 Seasonal Allergies and Asthma. Eating local honey can act like a localized vaccination against those things in the environment that are triggering your allergies. Try to get honey that has been collected near your home so that the same flowers and weeds will have been utilized in its production.

#7 Warts and Acne. Apply honey to warts and cover with a Band-Aid. Repeat the process until the warts disappear. The same is true about acne, although Band-Aids are not necessary. Allow the honey to remain on the problem areas for fifteen minutes and then rinse off. Please make sure that you are using all-natural, raw, unprocessed, preferably organic honey.

#8 Yeast Infections. A piece in Future Microbiology (2014) declared that honey was an effective treatment for yeast infections. If you want to try this out, mix one tablespoon of plain, unsweetened yogurt, with two tablespoons of raw honey. Apply this mixture to the infected area externally and internally. Allow it to remain in place for ten minutes. Wash after application. Consider it a honey douche and look for improvement within a few days, if you use it twice a day as recommended.

#9 Weight Loss and Poor Metabolism. Honey contains 22 amino acids that can aid in boosting metabolism. And, increased metabolism means decreased fat! Consider drinking lemon juice with a little honey each morning to get your metabolism started on the right foot. Honey can potentially fuel the liver and ease stress hormones to aid in weight loss as well.

#10 Helps Prevent Cancer and Heart Disease. Honey includes anti-tumor and carcinogen preventing properties. Honey’s natural anti-oxidant capabilities can help eliminate cancer causing free-radicals and improve the functioning of the immune system.

#11 Energy Booster. Honey naturally provides carbohydrates that provide energy. As such, honey is considered an effective way to improve energy and prevent fatigue. Don’t forget that the glucose in honey is a rapid energy creator and the fructose allows that energy to last. Before you workout, consider taking a spoonful of honey, and if you are feeling drained, spread some on toast or use it in your tea instead of sugar.

#12 Immune System Builder. Recall that honey has anti-bacterial and anti-oxidant properties. These help improve your digestive tract and can aid in the prevention of diseases. If you really want to help your body ward off infectious issues, try drinking a glass of water with lemon and honey each morning. Warm water is recommended here.

#13 Memory Booster. Restful sleep and the reduction of metabolic stress contribute to cognitive and memory functions. Honey offers both. At the University Of Babylon’s College of Medicine, a five year study was conducted that concluded honey had the ability to prevent dementia and cognitive decline.

#14 Face Mask. Honey is terrific for the skin. And, lots of people have been experimenting with its ability to provide a great rejuvenating face mask. Based on your skin type, you’ll have to add either: apple, avocado & egg, or egg, almond oil, and yogurt.

#15 Reduces Ulcers and Other Gastrointestinal Disorders. An ulcer is a lesion in the lining of the stomach. Imbalances in the digestive fluids are generally to blame. Although many are actually caused by h. pylori, a bacteria found in the gut. One tablespoon of raw honey (preferably Manuka) combined with a ¼ teaspoon of ground cinnamon, has been shown to offer considerable relief when taken daily.

#16 Lowers Cholesterol. Cholesterol comes in both good and bad forms. Honey is cholesterol free and is believed to be able to help keep cholesterol levels under control. Taking a honey and cinnamon mix regularly could lower the cholesterol in your blood thanks to its anti-oxidant properties.

#17 Low-libido. Honey is an aphrodisiac. It promotes testosterone in men and aids in estrogen usage in women. In fact, a study showed that three ounces of honey could increase levels of the arousal chemical, nitric oxide. Hippocrates prescribed honey for the purposes of sexual vigor and the induction of ecstasy, all the way back in 500 BC! He recommended that it be used as a sexual stimulant by combining it with pepper and ginger. Definitely something to think about before agreeing to take the little blue pill.

#18 Anxiety. A 2011 study, published in the Journal of Neurophysiology showed that animals that took larger doses of honey demonstrated significant reduction in anxious behaviors and were in better control of their own bodies. The consumption was a one-time deal. This showed that honey can relieve anxiety as quickly as one dose! That’s great news

#19 Athlete’s Foot. Tinea pedis, or athlete’s foot, is a skin disorder and is caused by a parasitic fungus. You can use propolis (a natural bee product) or honey for treatment of this irritating issue. Rub the foot with honey at night and then cover with an old sock. Wash the dried honey off in the morning. Repeat until the problem has been resolved.

#20 Detoxifying Needs. Lemon and honey water are great detoxification providers. Try drinking a glass of honey and lemon in the morning on an empty stomach. You could also go on a honey water fast if you are really devoted to completing a truly detoxifying procedure.

#21 Eczema and Rosacea. A persistent inflammation of the top layer of skin contributes to the symptomology known as eczema. Basically, the immune system is overreacting. There are three potential methods to deal with the issue: •Apple honey and ground cinnamon applied to effected area •Warm water mixed with half a lime and a teaspoon of honey ingested every morning for several weeks •A glass of water combined with a teaspoon of honey and two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar taken three times a day, with meals

#22 Gum Disease. Honey is a great anti-microbial that can effectively treat gum disease even if it sounds counterintuitive to apply sweet stuff to your teeth. Honey can deter the growth of the bacteria that causes dental plague and can ultimately reduce its presence, according to a 2015 study. Manuka honey is the best resource as it has the highest levels of anti-microbials.

#23 Treats Dandruff and Other Scalp Problems. Crude honey is very powerful. The honey needs to be diluted in water and then rubbed into the scalp, specifically focusing on problem areas. Leave it in for three hours and then rinse it out with warm water. Do this every other day for 2 weeks. A study performing the same procedures revealed complete healing and even a decrease in hair loss.

#24 Hangovers. The fructose in honey has been shown to speed up the livers ability to oxidize alcohol. This makes honey a confirmed sobering agent with better results than coffee! Mix 15ml of honey with 70ml of all-natural yogurt and 80ml of orange juice for the best hangover relief you’ve ever tasted.

#25 Stress. Prescription medications are not your only answer for relieving stress. Honey’s nutrients can elicit a calming effect. If you add a decent amount of honey to your breakfast regimen, you might discover that the day’s stress has less of an impact on your emotional well-being.

#26 Workout Fuel. Honey is believed to have the ability to increase athletic performance. In fact, some people use it as an all-natural energy drink. Because there are only 17 grams of carbs in a tablespoon of honey, its fructose and glucose can act as a short-term source of energy.

#27 Regulates Blood Sugar. Although it seems highly unlikely that honey, a sugar, can regulate sugar, it is the balance of fructose and glucose that enables this anomaly to occur. The fructose in the honey sends the glucose straight to the liver where it becomes glycogen. This allows the major organs to function at optimal capacity and keeps the glucose out of the blood, which ultimately lowers blood sugar. Honey produces more liver glycogene than any other food based on per gram studies.

#28 Probiotic. Honey’s therapeutic properties are sometimes viewed as “mysterious.” But, it is the 4 species of Bifidobacterium and 6 species of lactobacilli found in different varieties of honey that contributes to its probiotic capabilities.

#29 Provides Nutrients. Honey includes an array of vitamins and nutrients in small doses. These vitamins and nutrients include: zinc, phosphorous, potassium, manganese, iron, copper, magnesium, riboflavin, calcium, niacin, and pantothenic acid. If you switch your sugars to honey, you will be getting nutrients with your calories!

#30 Potentially Prevents Low White Blood Cell Count. During chemotherapy sessions, 40 percent of patients who took therapeutic honey, at two teaspoons daily, relieved their bouts with low blood cell counts (neutropenia). This study was performed by the Mayo Clinic.

#31 Kills Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria. Some research performed in doctors’ offices and hospitals has revealed that Honey can kill antibiotic resistant bacteria. Specifically, they found it worked on: Salmonella, E. coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Staphylococcus aureus.

#32 Honey for Herpes. Because Honey has been proven to provide great remedies for wounds, it is no wonder that it can assist in healing the sores associated with Herpes. It takes fluid from the wound and the sugar suppresses the growth of microorganisms. And, low levels of hydrogen peroxide are included in honey. Studies have shown that the topical use of honey is actually more effective than the prescription cream.

#33 Increases Calcium Absorption. When using a calcium supplement, research has shown that ingesting honey can aid in the absorption of the supplemental calcium. In fact, there is a 25% improvement rate when these are taken together. The raffinose, fructose, and glucose found in honey are given the credit for increasing the ability to absorb calcium.

#34 Increase Hemoglobin Count and Treat Anemia. Thanks to the iron, copper, and manganese found in raw dark honey, hemoglobin synthesis can be aided. Keep in mind that the darker the honey is, the better it is for you. Honey will also add that boost you need when dealing with anemia.

#35 Hair Conditioner. If you’ll create a mix of honey and olive oil, you will discover honey’s amazing ability to smooth and condition your hair. Plus, this is an all-natural method!

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