Monday, April 16, 2012

Vitamin Deficiency in Children

Yahoo recently published an article from Shine titled 5 Signs of Vitamin Deficiency in Children

I am happy that more and more information is being posted on-line for people to become better educated on nutrition and vitamins in general. I only have two issues with this article:

1. Vitamins, Minerals and Anti-Oxidants,…are not something you should pick and choose individually to take. They are meant to be consumed or otherwise provided to the body in optimum ratios with other nutrients in order to get maximum benefit.

2. While the absolute best way to get the nutrients you need is through consuming whole foods, free of toxins such as pesticides, etc. It is almost impossible to get those nutrients, in the required amounts, with today’s food supply. Do you really think you are getting 15% of your Vitamin C needs by eating that microwave meal? Or getting 25% of your calcium needs by drinking processed and pasteurized milk?

The Yahoo article:

Vitamins are more than just little pills to pop; they are the building blocks and support system of our bodies. Well-rounded, healthy diets can provide all a growing body needs, but the reality of our busy lifestyles and sometimes finicky eating patterns can lead to vitamin deficiency. Knowing what to look for is part of the battle. The following signs of vitamin deficiency in children are by no means complete, but it will give you a good idea of potential problems.

Signs your child lacks Vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiency in children is a common problem. My niece was recently diagnosed with vitamin D deficiency after exhibiting some puzzling symptoms. Signs that your child is not producing enough include late teething, irritability, poor growth, and muscle cramps. Seizures and breathing difficulties could also be traced back to insufficient vitamin D. Combat vitamin D deficiency with exposure to sunlight, milk, cheese, yogurt, and egg yolks.

Signs your child lacks Vitamin A

Vitamin A deficiency can lead to serious vision problems. In children a vitamin A deficiency can start to show up as tiredness, hair loss, weakness, and weight loss. Other symptoms include dry eyes, scaling of the skin, and respiratory infections. Combat vitamin A deficiency by ensuring children eat plenty of yellow-orange vegetables such as carrots, yams, and squash, as well as eggs and cheese.

Signs your child lacks vitamin B 12

Deficiencies in vitamin B 12 in children shows itself in a wide variety of ways. Specifically, vitamin B 12 greatly influences the nervous system and affects the functions of the brain and heart. Signs your child lacks the proper amount of vitamin B 12 include abdominal pain, edema, weakness, insomnia, and they may begin to lose their voice.

Signs your child lacks vitamin B 6

Manifestations of a vitamin B 6 deficiency in children include diarrhea, anemia, weakness, irritability, and seizures. Researchers have also pointed to a lack of vitamin B 6 as the culprit behind inattention, impulsiveness, hyperactivity, temper tantrums, and other inappropriate behaviors.

Combat vitamin B deficiencies by offering a wide variety of meat, chicken, fish, nuts, eggs, milk, cheese, beans. Vegans and Vegetarians should look into supplementation in order to maintain a healthy amount of vitamin B.

Signs your child lacks vitamin C

Easy bruising is one sign that your child is not getting enough vitamin C. Additionally they may experience joint pain, have dry skin, and poor appetite. Frequent nose bleeds, infections, and illness can also be traced back to a vitamin C deficiency. Combat vitamin C deficiency by providing plenty of opportunities to eat a wide variety of citrus fruit, strawberries, tomatoes, kiwi, and green vegetables like broccoli.

While the problems caused by vitamin deficiencies are shocking, it is important to note that excessive amounts of vitamins taken in supplement form can be toxic to the body. If you suspect any of these signs point to a deficiency, check with your physician before administering extra vitamins to your child to avoid an overdose.

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