Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Fish Oil Supplements, Vitamins Won't Lower Your Cholesterol

While I think this article, by the Cleveland Clinic, is plain BS, I post it because ultimately the consumer will make their own decision - I hope it will be an informed decision. 

I am going to continue taking nutritional supplements including a Omega 3 supplement. My cholesterol levels have dropped from 210 to the 150 range; blood pressure that was normally on the high side (138/98) is now routinely in the 120/76 range. I have three sets of parents tell me that once they put their ADHD children on a good daily supplement and an Omega 3 supplement, their ADHD symptoms and behavior went away.

In the western diet, which is high in Omega 6 and low in Omega 3, various symptoms, often manifested as joint pain are present. Many scientists believe the high ratio of Omega 6 to 3 create free radicals which cause pain and other health issues, which could simple be averted by reducing the ratio through an Omega 3 supplement. You all do what you want, but I'll continue what I'm doing. 

Fish Oil Supplements, Vitamins Won't Lower Your Cholesterol

If you’re taking supplements like fish oil or a multi-vitamin in the hopes of improving your cholesterol counts, save your money. There are better, more effective strategies.

There’s no scientific evidence that fish oil supplements will lower your cholesterol, says Julia Zumpano. Ms. Zumpano is a registered dietitian in Cleveland Clinic’s section of Preventive Cardiology.

Fish oil will not prevent heart disease. It can, however, help to manage some of your risk factors, Zumpano says.

Lowered triglycerides

Some studies have shown that fish oil can lower triglycerides and helps to thin the blood. But it’s unclear how many fish oil supplements you need to take every day to reap the benefits.

Triglycerides are the main constituents of natural fats and oils. If you have high concentrations of triglycerides in the blood, it may indicate an elevated risk of stroke.

“There’s no need to take fish oil from a supplement if you’re just generally trying to focus on heart health,” Zumpano says.

“More important, if you have a history of high triglycerides, that’s something you may want to take fish oil for,” Ms. Zumpano says.

Tempted to try a fish oil supplement to lower your triglycerides? Ms. Zumpano says check with your doctor first to see if it might help.

Vitamins and heart disease

A recent survey found that almost half of the respondents think vitamins can help lower cholesterol. But vitamins are less vital to heart disease prevention than most people think.

Taking a multi-vitamin every day will not compensate for eating food that’s high in cholesterol. Nor will a multi-vitamin repair the damage done by a poor diet.

“A daily multi-vitamin is not preventing your risk of heart disease," Zumpano says. "A diet high in saturated fat and cholesterol can result in an increase in blood cholesterol.”

Besides, you can get all the vitamins you need from your diet, Zumpano says. A heart-healthy diet should include seven to nine servings of fruits and vegetables every day.

A good diet plus exercise will do more to keep your heart healthy than popping supplements, Zumpano says.

“Eating a healthy diet, exercising and knowing your risk factors are the best ways to prevent heart disease,” Zumpano says. “It doesn’t come in a pill.”

MyAchingKnees comment: "Besides, you can get all the vitamins you need from your diet,.... a heart-healthy diet should include seven to nine servings of fruits and vegetables every day." Who actually eats 7 to 9 servings of fruits and vegetables day and where do they get their produce that actually still has much of it's nutrients after picking, processing and shipping?

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