Saturday, August 23, 2014

11 Serious Lack of Vitamin D Warning Signs

It's pretty much common knowledge that a person can't get enough Vitamin D from the Sun....even in the summer months. Plus sun bathing for Vitamin D has side effects like skin cancer. I was never a sun bather, but yet had three basil cell spots, about the size of nickels, cut out of my back. I am posting the article below, from, as it lists symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency which should be on people's minds. This article does not discuss the daily amount of Vitamin D a person should receive (see my comment at bottom).

Bone Pain.
Shunning the sun and being lactose intolerant can leave you with a deficiency of Vitamin D. This can lead to bone pain. According to the National Institute of Health, this subtle symptom it can be a serious sign of a lack of Vitamin D.

MyAchingKnees comment: Vitamin D is necessary for calcium absorption to enable normal mineralization for bone repair and growth.

Muscle Weakness.
Muscle weakness is usually caused by a Vitamin D deficiency. Muscles have Vitamin D receptors. They must have a constant supply of Vitamin D to function. If your body has a deficiency of Vitamin D your muscles will have trouble functioning as stated by the National Institutes of Health.

Although psoriasis is not always caused by a lack of Vitamin D, it's used in treatment. The Mayo Clinic claims that if you have a lack of the Vitamin D it will be harder for your body to defend itself against psoriasis.

Vitamin D is one of the necessary vitamins for your body to create energy. Without it you can end up feeling tired most of the day. This will make it hard for you to get around or even get to work. You should consult your doctor if you have constant feelings of tiredness.

According to the Vitamin D Council, this essential nutrient helps your brain's neurotransmitters produce the fluid serotonin. This produces our feelings of happiness. Studies have linked low levels of Vitamin D with episodes of depression. Especially during the winter months, because of the lack of sun during that time of year.

Sweaty Head.
Years ago doctors used to ask new mothers if their heads were sweating more than normal. NDHealthFacts claims that the reason for this is because it is a tell-tale sign of a lack of Vitamin D is a sweaty head.

Constant Respiratory Problems.
Studies show that Vitamin D may help defend against respiratory illness. This is especially true in children. Cardiovascular Disease.

Articles published by the National Institutes of Health have shown that deficiencies in Vitamin D can lead to congestive heart failure. Make sure your body maintains the proper amounts to guard against the risk. Home tests are available to check if have a lack of Vitamin D.

Harvard University conducted a study on women. The study showed that women with low levels of Vitamin D have a 67 percent increased risk of hypertension. If you suffer from anxiety you may want to consider purchasing Vitamin D supplements and adding them to your daily routine.

Chronic Infections.
The Mayo Clinic has advised that Vitamin D is crucial to our body's health. It is a necessary vitamin in helping our body fight infections. If you notice you or your child is prone to getting infections, you might want to ask your doctor to give you a Vitamin D blood test.

MyAchingKnees comment: So how much Vitamin D andn what type do you need? Vitamin D supplements are available in two forms, D2 (ergocalciferol) and D3 (cholecalciferol). They are basically the same. The USDA recommends that a person 1 year old to 70 years old receive 600 IU per day and a person over 70 receive 800 IU aa day. Many researchers in Nutritional Medicine believe that these doses are way too low. As evident by my wife working outside much of each day and taking a supplement of 1,000 IU of Vitamin D. Her blood serum test for Vitamin D revealed a slight deficiency which was corrected by adding more Vitamin D to her supplement intake. The nutritional scientists I follow now say that 2,000 IU is pretty minimum for most people. I take 2,000 IU per day in my base supplments and add an optimizer that includes another 2,000 IU of Vitamin D3 (taken twice a day) for a total of 6,000 IU per day. The Vitamin D optimizer only adds about $0.40 per day to my cost and I feel it's well worth it.

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1 comment:

  1. Great article! The warning signs that you have shared with us is very helpful for many people. Vitamin D is necessary for our health. After reading this, I will take care of these warning signs and take precautions about it. Thanks for sharing this.
