Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Signs of Cancer - Do Not Ignore

An article from Web MD that was in my hold file for a few months. This article was originally titled, 15 Cancer Symptoms to Know.

Changes in Your Skin
A new spot on your skin or one that changes size, shape, or color could be a sign of skin cancer. Another is a spot that doesn't look the same as all the others on your body. If you have any unusual marks, have your doctor check your skin. She will do an exam and may remove a small piece (called a biopsy) to take a closer look for cancer cells.

MyAchingKnees Comment: Not all skin cancer is the same, but according to my Dermatologist it all starts at the location where you received s severe sun burn. I have had numerous spots of Basil cell cancer cut out of my torso. I was never a sun bather, just received severe burns from working in the Sun without a shirt a few times as a youngster. Just get all of your suspicious spots checked.

Nagging Cough
If you don't smoke, there's very little chance a nagging cough is a sign of cancer. Usually, it's caused by postnasal drip, asthma, acid reflux, or an infection. But if yours doesn't go away or you cough up blood -- especially if you are a smoker -- see your doctor. She may test mucus from your lungs or do a chest X-ray to check for lung cancer.

Breast Changes
Most breast changes are not cancer. It's still important, though, to tell your doctor about them and have her check them out. Let her know about any lumps, nipple changes or discharge, redness or thickening, or pain in your breasts. She'll do an exam and may suggest a mammogram, MRI, or maybe a biopsy.

You may have a full, bloated feeling because of your diet or even stress. But if it doesn't get better or you also have fatigue, weight loss, or back pain, have it checked out. Constant bloating in women may be a sign of ovarian cancer. Your doctor can do a pelvic exam to look for the cause.

MyAchingKnees Comment: A dear friend of mine had bloating for over a year, He thought he was gaining weight and couldn't understand why his diet and additional exercise did not make the bloating go away. It turned out if was pancreatic cancer. He is no longer here.

Problems When You Pee
Many men have urinary issues as they get older, like the need to go more often, leaks, or a weak stream. Usually, these are signs of an enlarged prostate, but they could also mean prostate cancer. See your doctor for an exam and maybe a special blood test called a PSA test.

Swollen Lymph Nodes
You have these small, bean-shaped glands in your neck, armpits, and other places in your body. When they're swollen, it often means you're fighting an infection like a cold or strep throat. Some cancers like lymphoma and leukemia can also cause this kind of swelling. Talk to your doctor to pinpoint the cause.

MyAchingKnees Comment: A female relative of mine had a swollen lymph node. Within 60 days of detecting it, it was biopsied and subsequent surgery ended up removing over 40 nodes in her neck. Cancer travels fast once it hits the lymphatic system - don't wait on this symptom.

Blood When You Use the Bathroom
If you see blood in the toilet after you go, it's a good idea to talk to your doctor. Bloody stool is likely to come from swollen, inflamed veins called hemorrhoids, but there's a chance it could be colon cancer. Blood in your pee could be a problem like a urinary tract infection, but it may be kidney or bladder cancer.

MyAchingKnees Comment: I know an elderly lady who had blood in her stools for several months before she was forced to go to the hospital after severe pain made life unbearable. Guess what? Yep, a cancerous tumor in her lower intestines - rare for women, but nonetheless it was there - and inoperable. She is now in hospice care.

Testicle Changes
If you notice a lump or swelling in your testicles, you need to see your doctor right away. A painless lump is the most common sign of testicular cancer. Sometimes though, a man may just have a heavy feeling in his lower belly or scrotum or think his testicles feel larger. Your doctor will do a physical exam of the area and may use an ultrasound scan to see if there is a tumor or another problem.

Trouble Swallowing
The common cold, acid reflux, or even some medicine can make it hard to swallow once in a while. If it doesn’t get better with time or with antacids, see your doctor. Trouble swallowing can also be a sign of cancer in your throat or the pipe between your mouth and stomach, called the esophagus. Your doctor will do an exam and some tests like a barium X-ray, in which you swallow a chalky fluid to show your throat more clearly on the image.

Unusual Vaginal Bleeding
Bleeding that's not part of your usual period can have many causes, like fibroids or even some types of birth control. But tell your doctor if you're bleeding between periods, after sex, or have bloody discharge. She'll want to rule out cancer of the uterus, cervix, or vagina. Be sure to let her know if you are bleeding after menopause. That's not normal and should be checked out right away.

Mouth Issues
From bad breath to canker sores, most changes in your mouth aren't serious. But if you have white or red patches or sores in your mouth that don't heal after a couple of weeks -- especially if you smoke -- see your doctor. It may be a sign of oral cancer. Other things to look for: a lump in your cheek, trouble moving your jaw, or mouth pain.

Weight Loss
Of course you can slim down when you change the way you eat or exercise. It can also happen if you have other issues, like stress or a thyroid problem. But it’s not normal to lose 10 pounds or more without trying. There's a chance it could be a first sign of cancer of the pancreas, stomach, esophagus, or lung.

A fever isn't usually a bad thing. Sometimes it's just a sign that your body is fighting an infection. It can also be a side effect of some medicines. But one that won't go away and doesn't have an obvious cause could be a sign of a blood cancer like leukemia or lymphoma.

Heartburn or Indigestion
Almost everyone has this burning feeling sometimes, often because of their diet or stress. If lifestyle changes don't work and your indigestion doesn't stop, your doctor may want to do some tests to look for a cause. It could be a sign of stomach cancer.

MyAchingKnees Comment: Not just stomach cancer but esophageal or throat cancer. If you have acid reflux, the stomach acid being brought up destroy the lining of your throat and those cells can become malignant. Not fun. I have three friends who have had throat cancer. One if no longer alive- and dying at 55 years old shouldn't happen in today's world of diagnostic tools and treatments.

A lot of things can make you very tired, and most of them aren’t serious. But fatigue is one early sign of some cancers, like leukemia. Some colon and stomach cancers can cause blood loss that you can't see, which can make you feel very tired. If you're wiped out all the time and rest doesn't help, talk to your doctor.

MyAchingKnees Comment: My cancer counter -measures certainly include keeping tabs on the early detectable symptoms but also minimizing the processed, high glycemic foods that cancer feeds on and maximizing good, whole non-GMPO foods when I can. It includes taking the best supplements so my body gets all the nutrients in the right doses to work in a synergistic manner so my immune system functions the way it is intended. I also live a physical lifestyle - haven't laid on the couch and ate potato chips for two decades now. And lastly I avoid toxins as I can - and these include but are not limited to household cleaners, bug sprays, weed killers, and spray paints. Use protective items when you use these common items.

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