Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Diabetes Can Lead to Obesity and Impact on Knee and Joint Pain

Diabetes is rapidly becoming of epidemic proportions in the United States . We believe there are several causes among the obvious: increasing sedentary population dependent upon technology; increasing lack of nutrient content of foods; increasing reliance on processed foods; and, lack of nutritional education especially for children.

In fact some experts are now calling this trend the diabesity epidemic, combining the fattening of the population with the diabetes increase. Not only does this trend foretell major health issues occurring at earlier ages, but predicts chronic joint, especially knee and back problems, to be also of epidemic proportions. To complicate the issue, we’ll see an increase of treatment (Rx Pain Meds and surgeries) to address the symptoms rather than the cause which is nutritional deficiencies.

Dr Ray Strand is on the leading forefront of Nutritional Medicine and he addresses the concept of cellular nutrition where high doses of quality anti-oxidants and vitamins/minerals give the body the nutrients it needs to combat oxidative stress which is the root cause of degenerative disease such as arthritis, non-specific knee and joint pain, and diabetes to name a few.

The latest Health Nugget from Doctor Strand.

Antioxidant Supplementation May Reduce Risk of Diabetes:

In a new clinical trial, 48 overweight young adults that had signs of pre-diabetes were given a cocktail of antioxidants for 8 weeks. This cocktail included Vitamin E (800 IU), vitamin C (500 mg), and beta-carotene (10 mg). After eight weeks the patients had a significant increase in insulin sensitivity along with decreased oxidative stress. Their arteries also functioned much better with less inflammation.

Whenever I see studies that combine several different antioxidants rather than just looking at one particular one, I see much better results. This is why I always recommend the concept of cellular nutrition. Cellular nutrition is defined by taking a wide variety of antioxidants along with their supporting nutrients at these optimal levels that have been shown to provide a health benefit in our medical literature.

Vincent HK, et al. Effects of antioxidant supplementation on insulin sensitivity, endothelial function, and oxidative stress in overweight young adults. Metabolism, 2009 Feb;58(2):254-62

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