Thursday, December 30, 2010

Eat Right - Eat These Cancer Fighting Foods

MyAchingKnees has talked about the Chair of Health with the four legs being: Eating Soundly; Taking High Quality Nutritional Supplements; Getting Physical Exercise; and, Avoiding Toxins. When it comes to Eating Soundly or eating healthy foods, it is not only enough to eat good foods, you must avoid the bad foods,...and if I have to say it, Big Macs are not good food.

The problem with eating healthy foods is that most foods by the time they make it to the grocery store have lost much of their nutritional value. Frozen foods come close to maintaining what value they have if frozen shortly after harvest. Much of the best foods for you are plant based (read vegetables). We believe that a person's basic nutritional needs must be met in order to be as successful as you can in minimizing aching joints.

From an article on Yahoo! by Leslie Barnes, entitled "6 cancer-fighting superfoods"

To reduce your risk of cancer, look no further than your fridge. "All the studies on cancer and

nutrition point to eating plant-based foods for their phyto-nutrients and other special compounds," says Richard Béliveau, PhD, chair in the prevention and treatment of cancer at the University of Québec at Montreal and author of Foods to Fight Cancer.

Aim for five to nine daily servings of all kinds of fruits and vegetables—especially these six superstars.

All cruciferous veggies (think cauliflower, cabbage, kale) contain cancer-fighting properties, but broccoli is the only one with a sizable amount of sulforaphane, a particularly potent compound that boosts the body's protective enzymes and flushes out cancer-causing chemicals, says Jed Fahey, ScD. A recent University of Michigan study on mice found that sulforaphane also targets cancer stem cells—those that aid in tumor growth.

Helps fight: breast, liver, lung, prostate, skin, stomach, and bladder cancers

Your Rx: The more broccoli, the better, research suggests—so add it wherever you can, from salads to omelets to the top of your pizza.

All berries are packed with cancer-fighting phytonutrients. But black raspberries, in particular, contain very high concentrations of phytochemicals called anthocyanins, which slow down the growth of pre-malignant cells and keep new blood vessels from forming (and potentially feeding a cancerous tumor), according to Gary D. Stoner, PhD, a professor of internal medicine at The Ohio State University College of Medicine.

Helps fight: colon, esophageal, oral, and skin cancers

Your Rx: Stoner uses a concentrated berry powder in his studies but says a half-cup serving of berries a day may help your health, too.

This juicy fruit is the best dietary source of lycopene, a carotenoid that gives tomatoes their red hue, Béliveau says. And that's good news, because lycopene was found to stop endometrial cancer cell growth in a study in Nutrition and Cancer. Endometrial cancer causes nearly 8,000 deaths a year.

Helps fight: endometrial, lung, prostate, and stomach cancers

Your Rx: The biggest benefits come from cooked tomatoes (think pasta sauce!), since the heating process increases the amount of lycopene your body is able to absorb.

Their phytosterols (cholesterol-like molecules found in plants) have been shown to block estrogen receptors in breast cancer cells, possibly slowing the cells' growth, says Elaine Hardman, PhD, associate professor at Marshall University School of Medicine in Huntington, West Virginia.

Helps fight: breast and prostate cancers

Your Rx: Munching on an ounce of walnuts a day may yield the best benefits, Hardman's research found.

Phytochemicals in garlic have been found to halt the formation of nitrosamines, carcinogens formed in the stomach (and in the intestines, in certain conditions) when you consume nitrates, a common food preservative, Béliveau says. In fact, the Iowa Women's Health Study found that women with the highest amounts of garlic in their diets had a 50 percent lower risk of certain colon cancers than women who ate the least.

Helps fight: breast, colon, esophageal, and stomach cancers

Your Rx: Chop a clove of fresh, crushed garlic (crushing helps release beneficial enzymes), and sprinkle it into that lycopene-rich tomato sauce while it simmers.

MyAchingKnees comment: Garlic is also thought to provide an immune system boost if consume as soon as you know you have an infection or cold.

A study out of Michigan State University found that black and navy beans significantly reduced colon cancer incidence in rats, in part because a diet rich in the legumes increased levels of the fatty acid butyrate, which in high concentrations has protective effects against cancer growth. Another study, in the journal Crop Science, found dried beans particularly effective in preventing breast cancer in rats.

Helps fight: breast and colon cancers

Your Rx: Add a serving—a half-cup—of legumes a few times a week (either from a can or dry beans that've been soaked and cooked) to your usual rotation of greens or other veggies.

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Monday, December 27, 2010

Heiko's Lack of Energy and Aching Knees

Meet Heiko, an 84 years old Grandma of Japanese descent. Of reasonable good health, Heiko used to enjoy walking in a park along a river with her friends. She said she would routinely walk 3 to 4 miles at a brisk pace. In the past year, several of her walking friends have passed away, most of them a little bit younger than her.

Starting about 6 months ago, Heiko started feeling really tired and her knees ached very bad when she tried to walk. She went to the Doctor and received Vitamin B12 injections and the Doctor asked her to take a daily multi-vitamin and he recommended Centrum, which of course is a food grade product and very low rated in the Comparative Guide for Nutritional Supplements.

For the past five months or so this course of action has not been effective for Heiko. Although Heiko said she felt better for 2 to 3 days after each Vitamin B12 injection, she still could not get a walk in due to getting tired easily and the pain in her knees.

Because Heiko only weighs 85 lbs, I suggested a pharmaceutical grade multi-mineral and antioxidant designed for teenagers and suggested she also add our Glucosamine and Omega 3 Fatty Acid.

Heiko called me a few days ago, which was a week after starting her second month on the products. She said she started walking again, even though it was cold, but she had walked 3 miles the day before with no problem, other than being a little sore the next day. She said he hardly felt any pain in her knees and did not feel short of breath or energy.

Heiko's example is obviously one of a degenerative condition that high quality supplements could help. Heiko's diet consists of traditional Japanese foods (rice and fish), which is pretty good. She doesn't drink or smoke and stays largely to herself and other elderly people in a retirement complex; has started back getting some exercise, and is now fulfilling the fourth leg of health, taking quality nutritional supplements to ensure she provides her body with the nutrients it needs and the like quality optimizers for her specific problem of aching knees.

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Thursday, December 23, 2010

Reader Question on Degenerative Disease received an e-mail from Gloria who asked "You mentioned a person should take nutritional supplements to provide protection for degenerative diseases. What exactly do you mean by degenerative disease? A disease that you already have but gets worse? Or a genetic disease?

When I write about Degenerative Disease I am thinking the diseases that the body can't suppress due to a less than optimum immune system, which may be limited or restricted by a lack of nutrients in sufficient amounts in order to be sound, and a immune system degraded by age.

Certainly genetics can play a part. I am trying to find the genetic disease article I read a year back which stated, if my memory serves, that about 20-30% of degenerative disease are a result of genetic programming of the cellular DNA. So I guess if only, say 30%, of disease are a result of your genes, then it stands to reason that the majority of denegrative disease are a result of a lack of nutrients, an aging body and perhaps exposure to toxins in sufficient amounts to do damage. In any event, your body can't function as well as it can without the proper nutrients in the right amounts.

My Father never took a nutritional supplement in his life, yet he lived to be over 80 years old, working all the time right up to his death. He was roofing houses, doing electrical and plumbing work well into his 80's. I am convinced he was healthy because he was a non-drinker and non-smoker and grew alot of his own food. He was a unapologetic beef eater, but his lunches would often be cucumbers, tomatoes and onions picked minuted before from his garden.

Today's food from the grocery stores lose much of their value in the time after they are picked, packaged, shipped and consumed. It is impossible or near impossible to eat enough good foods to ensure you provide your body with the nutrients it needs to maintain a healthy immune system.

The list of degenerative diseases greatly affected by nutrition, or a lack of it, include, but are certainly not limited to: Osteo-Arthritis, Osteo-Porosis, Dementia, Type II Diabetes, Arterio-sclerosis, and Glaucoma. Also toxins build up in the intestinal tract and cause digestive problems; joint cartilage becomes brittle and thin; external wounds and cuts take longer to heal; Arteries harden and blood pressure rises; Peripheral nerve cells die or impart impulses more slowly - affecting eyesight, hearing and reaction times.

So I guess I would summarize that degenerative disease are disease you either develop or have a genetic disposition for, which degenerate further with age and greatly influenced by the nutrients that you provide your body or don't provide your body, as well as from toxins and poisons that you build up through exposure - mostly repeated doses of very small amounts.

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Monday, December 20, 2010

Fighting Colds and Flus

Ever have racking knee or other joint pain from the flu? It seems like all your joint pain is magnified ten fold when the flu hits. In fact, that's often when you realize you have the flu or are about to get it, when your joints start aching more.

I have not been sick for almost 6 years now, but I still remember that joint pain and the chronic, less intense joint pain but "normal" pain.

I ran across this article on how to fight colds and flu. I think the best protection is to ensure you provide your body with quality nutrients to build and maintain a healthy immune system. I attribute my health in the past 5+ years to taking a high dose of pharmaceutical grade nutritional supplements that provide a wide range of nutrients that work synergistically. I don't believe you can buy single nutrient ingredients and "piece meal" your supplements plan. Not do I believe that the herbal remedies and even whole foods are the solution. They certainly may help optimize your health and flu-cold fighting abilities, but beware of placing your hopes on health or sickness fighting ability solely on these.

How to fight colds and flu: What works and what doesn’t.
From Healthy Living, Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The much-dreaded cold and flu season is upon us. And if you’re like me, there isn’t any spare time built into the schedule to be sick. So how can you bolster my defenses against the germs lurking in the common areas in my office, the mall where you do my holiday shopping and the rest stops you encounter in my holiday travels?

Taking a at the research Emily Sohn and Rachel Johnson, Ph.D., M.P.H., and their publications: EatingWell and these are selected lists of what's worth trying and what's not.

Try It: Vitamin D

In a study published recently in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, children who took daily vitamin D supplements (1,200 IU) were 40 percent less likely to get a common flu virus than kids who took a placebo. Laboratory studies indicate that the nutrient may help immune cells identify and destroy bacteria and viruses that make us sick, says Adit Ginde, M.D., M.P.H., a public health researcher at the University of Colorado School of Medicine in Denver .

Although the Institute of Medicine released in a report November 30 new recommendations for vitamin D (600 International Units per day for everyone, except men aged 71+ who should get 800 IU), they “only focused on bone health,” says Ginde. “There is not yet enough evidence to definitely prove that vitamin D reduces infections, but the amount recommended for bone health is lower than what we think is needed for improved immunity and reduced infections. Most people need at least 1,000 IU a day and some need 2,000 IU daily or higher to reach levels that appear necessary for optimal immune responses.” While many experts recommend a vitamin D supplement, you can also get it (in small doses) from fatty fish, such as salmon, and fortified milk—and your body makes vitamin D from the sun. comment: I take 6,000 to 8,000 IU of pharmaceutical grade Vitamin D each day. I work outside in the wind, rain, cold as does my wife and daughter who are also on enhanced doses of Vitamin D combined with our daily supplement. We have not been sick in almost 6 years. Vitamin D is necessary and in high doses. I would think 4,000 IU is minimal, but again it is an optimizer to the daily mineral and anti-oxidant nutritional supplement that we take.

Try It: Green tea

Polyphenols, potent plant antioxidants, are what’s believed to give green tea its immune-boosting effects. One laboratory study suggested that a particular type of polyphenols called catechins may kill influenza viruses. To maximize benefits and minimize bitterness, use just-below-boiling water and steep green tea no more than a minute or two. A little lemon and honey can also help blunt the bitterness. But don’t add milk, because the proteins will bind to the polyphenols, making them ineffective.

Try It: Probiotics

Some research suggests that when these so-called “good” bacteria—found in yogurt, sauerkraut and other foods—reach the lower intestine, they not only suppress the growth of “bad” bacteria but also might activate the immune system to fight off diseases in other ways. But studies showing a clear boost to the immune system are few. In one study of 33 healthy young women, both “regular” yogurt and so-called “probiotic-fortified” yogurt (which contained added beneficial bacteria cultures) were found to boost T-cells, key players in the body’s defenses against viruses and other pathogens. But it’s a long way from findings like those to “assuming that by loading up on yogurt—or sauerkraut or kimchi—you can boost your immune system enough to fight off something like the H1N1 flu,” says Barry Goldin, Ph.D., professor in the department of Public Health and Community Medicine at Tufts University School of Medicine in Boston. Fortifying yourself with a daily dose of fermented foods can’t hurt, says Goldin, “but if you want to beat the flu, get vaccinated.”

Quick tip: Look for fermented dairy products, such as yogurt or kefir (a yogurt-like beverage), that are labeled with a “Live & Active Cultures” seal from the National Yogurt Association. The seal signifies that the yogurt contains a set minimum amount of two particular types of beneficial bacteria. comment: I absolutely believe in probiotics. I add a probiotic powder to my low glycemic meal replacement powder and milk in the mornings. Actually, I only add the probiotic every third day or so, but they are essential in providing quality enzymes to your gut.

Try It: Soluble Fiber

Mice that ate a diet rich in soluble fiber for six weeks recovered from a bacterial infection in half the time it took mice that chowed on meals containing mixed fiber, according to a recent study in the journal Brain, Behavior and Immunity. Soluble fiber—abundant in citrus fruits, apples, carrots, beans and oats—helps fight inflammation, says lead author Christina Sherry, Ph.D., R.D., of the University of Michigan , Ann Arbor . Insoluble fiber—found in wheat, whole grains, nuts and green leafy vegetables—is still important for overall health, but it doesn’t seem to have the same impact on immunity. Strive for 25 to 38 grams of total fiber a day, Sherry says, paying extra attention to getting the soluble kind. comment: I add fiber to my morning low glycemic meal replacement drinks. If I have a meal out, like dinner, that doesn't provide much fiber I'll usually take six capsules of pysllium fiber which provides maybe 11% of my daily fiber needs just to ensure I am getting fiber. But remember the RDA for fiber is very low.

Skip It: Airborne

As with many label claims, Airborne’s current one begins with a kernel of truth: vitamins A, C, E, zinc and selenium—nutrients in the supplement—are among the vitamins and minerals that our immune systems need to function efficiently. According to a 2002 report in the British Journal of Nutrition, deficiencies of any of these nutrients (or of vitamins B6, B12, folic acid, copper or iron) can depress immunity. But the key word is deficiency; most of us—save for smokers, pregnant women, breastfeeding women and the elderly—meet our needs for these nutrients with the foods we eat. (If you fall into any of those higher-risk categories, talk with your doctor before taking a supplement.) And more isn’t better. Excess amounts of many nutrients are potentially harmful, and it’s all too easy to go overboard. Just one tablet of Airborne contains 1,667 percent of the daily recommended value (DRV) for vitamin C. comment: Again I take a pharmacuetical grade complete nutritional supplement, in fact the highest rated product according to the Comparative Guide for Nutritional Supplements, so I don't have to "shop" for single or combination supplements in order to meet the Vitamin B and C deficiencies discussed above, which are not the only deficiencies most people have.

Skip It: Glacéau’s Vitaminwater “Defense”

This drink, with a label that claims it is “specially formulated with nutrients required for optimal functioning of the immune system,” doesn’t deliver the mega-high doses of nutrients that Airborne does. (A 20-ounce bottle of the water contains 150 percent of the DRV of vitamin C and 25 percent for four B vitamins and zinc.) Plus it delivers 125 calories per bottle. comment: I don't believe in the claims from the over the counter, food grade supplement sources including the flavored waters. But they just may be better to drink than soda pop.

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Friday, December 17, 2010

Physical Exercise - One of the Four Legs of the Chair of Health

I have previously written of the four legged chair of health. Obviously if any of the legs are shorter than the others, this chair becomes unbalanced. It can be come unbalanced to the point where the chair falls over.

I advocate taking a high quality nutritional supplements to give your body the required nutrients it needs in order to have a healthy immune system and I further advocate taking optimizers for any problem areas, such as Glucosamine and Omega 3 Fatty Acids for chronic joint pain.

I also advocate doing your best to stay away from toxins – cigarettes are probably high on the list. Excessive drinking, unhealthy fast foods and exposure to chemicals are also important to avoid.

Several people have contacted me and asked what they should do for physical exercise. First thing would be to consult with a medical professional to ensure you are in decent enough health to begin an exercise program. But don’t let the word “exercise program” scare you away. You can easily build physical exercise into the nooks and crannies of your life and reap those benefits.

The main areas of physical exercise you should consider are:

Aerobic exercise. Participate in moderate intensity aerobic activity for 20-30 minutes several times a week. This type of exercise could be simply walking at a fast pace, say 3.5 to 5 mph. An excellent route would be one that includes a couple sets of stairs of an uphill incline but does not have a downhill incline – downhill adds stress to knees.

Resistance (Strength) training. Perform weight lifting or body weight resistance exercises to increase muscular tone, strength and endurance twice a week. Body weight exercises such as pushups, situps, crunchs, and dips on a chair are a great start. A light weight set of dumbbells can be used to for shoulder presses, biceps curls, arm raises, triceps extensions are also a very good addition. Shoot for a minimum of 12 reps per set. Build to a three or four sets per sessions. You can certainly get great benefit from two 20 minute sessions a week.

Flexibility. Top reduce risk from injury, warm up before any exercise. You should include stretching before and after the exercise. The time to build on your flexibility – meaning pushing yourself for increased flexibility – is after the workout when your muscles are completely warmed up.

Flexibility also aids in balance and can help elderly people avoid those falls that sometimes result in debilitating injuries.

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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Nurse Melanie's Knee Pain and Her Son's ADD/ADHD reduction

We received an e-mail from Melanie of Cleveland, OH" "I have now been on Supplements you recommended and although I was hesitant at first about the Chelated Mineral - Mega Anti-Oxidant supplement and believing I only needed the Glucosamine, I think I had a bigger result from the Mineral and Anti-Oxidant (Essentials). I started feeling really good after the second week of trying the Essentials. I think I noticed a reduction in my knee pain in about week three and after almost two months of taking the Glucosamine my knee pain is diminshed quite a bit. Like I wrote you previously, I had participated in High School sports and had suffered several knee injuries with a torn cartlidge being the most major injury."

"As a LPN, I am on my feet much of my shift so the reduction in knee pain is a tremendous benefit. However, why am I writing you is that I looked at the children's supplement and when you told me that children with ADD and ADHD often benefit from a high quality daily nutritional and the addition of an Omega 3 Fatty Acid, I decided to take the chance and put my six year old son on it for a couple months. Wow! What a world of difference! Ryan is much calmer and even looks me in the eye when I talk to him. His previous incessant movement is reduced as well. I think I'll soon be able to put him back in school! Thank you, very much. P.S. I also liked the health videos you sent. I have sent them to several people as well."

Melanie is one of several people who report much better behavior from their previously diagnosed ADD/ADHD children when putting them on a high quality, high dose daily nutritional supplement and add Omega 3.

Melanie's reduction in knee pain is probably not only from the Glucosamine but from the pharmaceutical grade daily supplement she takes which provides the body with the esential nutrients to combat oxidative stress which, left unchecked, can manifest itself into degenerative disease and symptoms like chronic knee pain.

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Sunday, December 12, 2010

After Exercise Knee Treatment

I received an e-mail from a gentleman telling me his 'after workout' therapy routine for his aching knee joints and asking me what I thought about this natural type of treatment.

This gentleman stated he runs around 20 miles a week in 3-5 mile increments and sometimes runs the stadium stairs at the local high school football field. When we returns home, he ices his knees for 10-20 minutes, then applies heating pads, and uses both both towels and a electric heating pad.

The ice packs helps reduce inflammation and control pain, while the heat promotes blood flow and therefore healing. You can run the danger of killing skin (like frost bite) with the ice, especially if you fall asleep with an ice pack on your knees. Followed by the heat - be careful not to place too hot of a heating pad on numb knees as you can also damage the skin or get a burn. Plus, where the heck does he get the time to do this?!?!?

My reply back to him was "if it works for you, then you may want to consider keep doing it", but I think he is missing the point from this site that a solid nutritional based foundation, both with watching the foods you eat and taking high quality nutritional supplements, is also a natural "therapy" and treats the cause of inflammation and degenerative disease while the cold and heat therapy predominantly treats the symptoms.

And a word of caution of running stairs is in order especially if you are my age :) Downward running of stairs, or the fast decline even on smooth roads is hell on your knees. Be careful. If I was you, I would run up and walk slowly down.

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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Truth? About Milk - I drink It!

Milk has been long thought of as a necessary component for healthy bones. Calcium, found in milk, is not only associated with bone strength but necessary for cardio-vascular and heart function as well. I have drank milk, usually 2% or Whole, both pasteurized and organic (and I highly recommend organic) for over 40 years now. I consider Milk, again especially organic milk, an excellent addition to the diet. I mix a low glycemic meal replacement powder and a fiber powder with my milk and have that for breakfast around 6:00 am. I usually don’t get hungry until well past noon.

The 12% or so of people who are lactose intolerant should consider Soy milk as a replacement. Some people who are lactose intolerant may want to try a high quality Pro-biotic and Digestive Enzyme which can often make the different in nutrient breakdown and absorption. I routinely use a very high quality pro-biotic and digestive enzyme and consider it a essential part of my nutritional program and overall health.

Read this article from Yahoo! Health about milk facts.

The Truth About Milk

By David Zinczenko, Dec, 2010

Milk: Healthy and nutritious drink, or fattening, contaminant-filled menace?

You might expect an organization called the Dairy Education Board to promote milk as a good thing. But instead, this advocacy group claims that “Milk is a deadly poison.” Oops. And as Americans have grown more wary of saturated fat, and more concerned about hormones and other substances fed to—and injected into—dairy cows, milk consumption has fallen dramatically. In the post-war days of 1945, the average American was consuming 45 gallons of milk a year. By 2001, per capita consumption was down to just 23 gallons.

But here’s the thing: Plenty of new research says that we should be drinking more milk, not less. In fact, swapping soda, juice, sweetened iced teas, and other beverages for milk might be one major reason why Americans are gaining weight at such a rapid pace. Milk not only helps boost protein intake and cut down on sugar, but consuming calcium through dairy foods such as milk may actually reduce the fat absorption from other foods. Who wouldn’t want that? Hungry for more hard-hitting nutrition facts and findings every day? Read the book series – “Eat This, Not That!” and “Cook This, Not That!” series.

Here are four milk myths you might have heard, and why you should consider answering the cowbell more often.

Claim #1: “Milk is a fat-burning food.”

The Truth: Maybe. In a 6-month study, University of Tennessee researchers found that overweight people who downed three servings a day of calcium-rich dairy lost more belly fat than those who followed a similar diet minus two or more of the dairy servings. In addition, the researchers discovered that calcium supplements didn’t work as well as milk. Why? They believe that while calcium may increase the rate at which your body burns fat, other active compounds in dairy (such as milk proteins) provide an additional fat-burning effect.

Claim #2: “Drinking milk builds muscle.”

The Truth: Absolutely. In fact, milk is one of the best muscle foods on the planet. Milk is full of high-quality protein: about 80 percent casein and 20 percent whey. Whey is known as a “fast protein” because it’s quickly broken down into amino acids and absorbed into the bloodstream—perfect for post-workout consumption. Casein, on the other hand, is digested more slowly—ideal for providing your body with a steady supply of smaller amounts of protein for a longer period of time, such as between meals or while you sleep.

Claim #3: “Cows are given antibiotics. Doesn’t that make their milk unhealthy?”

The Truth: No one really knows. Some scientists argue that milk from cows given antibiotics leads to antibiotic resistance in humans, making these types of drugs less effective when you take them for an infection. But this has never been proven. It is true that hormones and antibiotics have never been part of a cow’s natural diet, and they have been shown to have adverse effects on the animals. Canadian researchers, for example, discovered that cows given hormones are more likely to contract an udder infection called mastitis. If you’re uneasy, you can purchase antibiotic-free (and typically hormone-free, as well) milk from producers like Horizon and Organic Valley at most major supermarkets. The cows will certainly thank you.

Claim #4: “Fat-free milk is much healthier than whole.”

The Truth: Nope. While you’ve probably always been told to drink reduced-fat milk, the majority of scientific studies show that drinking whole milk actually improves cholesterol levels—just not as much as drinking fat-free does. One recent exception: Danish researchers found that men who consumed a diet rich in whole milk experienced a slight increase in LDL cholesterol (six points). However, it’s worth noting that these men drank six 8-ounce glasses a day, an unusually high amount. Even so, their triglycerides—another marker of heart-disease risk—decreased by 22 percent. The bottom line: Drinking two to three glasses of milk a day, whether it’s fat-free, 2%, or whole, lowers the likelihood of both heart attack and stroke—a finding confirmed by British scientists.

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Monday, December 6, 2010

Adverse Rx Drug Interactions - Check Out has written several posts about the potential dangers of side effects caused by Rx medications, specifically medications for relief from chronic joint pain. What is posted on this site is a drop in the bucket compared to potential and actual adverse interactions of Rx drugs listed on

Our belief is that a prudent person, which you could also call an informed consumer, simply tries less invasive or less riskier solutions to chronic joint pain before they push the button on the nuclear options such as taking powerful Rx pain medications or having surgery. These less riskier possible solutions are, of course, highlighted by natural or nutritional solutions (or partial solutions) to joint pain. I am a very big proponent of high doses of pharmaceutical grade nutritional supplements and the inclusion of optimizers such as the same quality Glucosamine and Omega 3 Fatty Acids. This is what I attribute the elimination of my joint pain (knees and back) and current exceptional mobility.

We have been informed on a web site, called Drug Watch, which is a very comprehensive site featuring extensive information about thousands of different medications and drugs currently on the market or previously available worldwide. includes up-to-date information about prescription and over-the-counter medications and includes details about associated side effects to aid in the protection of patients and consumers. aims to educate the public about prescription, over-the-counter medications, medical devices, drug recalls and the side effects associated with thousands of different drugs, including pain relief medications. According to the University of Texas Southwestern Medical College, more than 30 million Americans take pain relievers daily. provides extensive information about these medications, including those prescribed to treat conditions such as headaches, arthritis and sore muscles, as well as those prescribed to help a patient handle the severe pain associated with certain medical procedures and diseases.

The resources available on are provided to offer visitors free and accurate information to aid in the understanding of various medications and conditions. The content on the site may help consumers formulate questions for medical professionals and alert the public about important information regarding potentially dangerous side effects associated with certain medications. By providing FDA alerts, drug interactions, and potential side effects on the site, patients have access to valuable knowledge that could enhance their ability to voice concerns with their doctor and improve their quality of care.

It boils down to the individual being responsible for their own health and well being.

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Thursday, December 2, 2010

Reader Question on What I am Recommending

We received this Anonymous comment, really a question...."I have been reading many of the articles on your site. It seems you advocate vitamins and minerals primarily for chronic joint pain and I am wondering why that would be first rather than using any number of the wonderful joint complex formulations on the market? Unless I am reading you wrong, you suggest first to take multi-supplements, then to take Glucosamine and Chrondroitin?"

Lack of nutrients, either from whole foods or from supplementation, can directly affect your immune systme and therefore you ability to react against degenerative disease such as osteo-arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and non-specific chronic joint pain because the cells will simply not be healthy enough to fight off free radicals from oxidative stress.

So yes, I am advocating that one first addresses their basic nutrient needs for optimum celluar health, and since it is almost impossible to get your daily requirements from whole foods, one must supplement with high doses of a quality supplement. The Required Daily Allowance was developed, when?,...1940 or close to it and hasn't changed since. Plus this was a minimum requirement based on giving minimal protection to the disease of that era, scurrvy and ricketts.

I also take a pharmaceutical grade Glucosamine which is optimized with Vitamin C, Manganese, Silicon and the all important Turmeric Extract which is a formulation intended to maintain and even build healthy cartilidge.

I have tried a wide range of Off The Shelf joint products many with other ingredients besides Glusocsamine, such as Chondriotin, HA, MSM and Yucca Root Extract. None of them gave me any relief. I almost did not try the Glucosamine product I am now taking since I thought I had a knee problem other than my cartlidge.

I advise people who take our Glucosamine product that they will be much better off taking it with a quality nutritional supplement. I always suggest that two months would be an adequate timeline to see if you get results. This combination is less than $70 for a month supply, so I think that for a $140 investment one would know for sure if supplementation is going to give them an acceptable measure of relief.

In fact I have a client (Rick) going on this combination next week and am going to keep close track of his results and post them.

Let the Buyer beware. Be a smart consumer and do your own research. Look for a quality guarantee and a USP and NSF certification on any products.

For Information on the Products I recommend, click here, to contact me.