Thursday, May 19, 2011

Herman's Back Pain

I recently had a prospective client, Herman who is 30 years old, come to me complaining about back pain. Herman wanted to know if the pharmaceutical grade Glucosamine would help his back. Apparently, Herman suffers from lower back pain, not constant nor chronic, but just time to time.

On a hunch I asked Herman he had regular bowel movements or was routinely constipated. Herman said that when he flies, which he does about three or four times a month, he gets constipated but did not link back pain with being constipated. I told him that sitting for a long period of time in those ridiculous airplane seats is not good for you, nor is the fact that we tend to drink much less fluids, like water, when we travel by air.

Harold told me that he has about two bowel movements a week. I about fell out of my chair. Now Herman is not a really skinny guy, so it’s not like he is only eating once a week, but I told him that he needed to have a bowel movement at least once a day. Colon impaction and toxic buildup can bring about back pain as often as sitting like a school marm in a straight backed chair.

So, rather than put Herman on our high quality Glucosamine, I gave him an information paper on Digestive Health; told him he needs about 25 grams of quality dietary fiber per day; told him that Pro-biotics and Digestive Enzymes were probably a good idea – I take both.

I also told Herman that Colon Cancer is the third most common cancer in men AND women, and just because he was only 30 years old did not mean he could not be at risk. I mentioned that there are some good foods related to colon health:

Whole grain pasta and breads. Not the white enriched stuff, but the actual whole grain product, preferably without preservatives. These are high in fiber which of course move food through the digestive track faster. These foods also have anti-oxidants which can help battle oxidative stress and therefore degenerative disease.

Strawberries. What a great little snack they are also high in fiver, Vitamin C and Folate. These nutrients are thought to also reduce colon cancer risks.

Dairy Products. Because they are high in calcium, dairy products, especially milk and yogurt are thought to help colon health. Yogurt is also a source of pro-biotics for the stomach.

Broccoli and Cauliflower. I love Broccoli, but can do without that white vegetable known as cauliflower, but these cruciferous vegetables are thought to reduce colon cancer risks.

Spinach and Asparagus.Not my favorites, but both these cruciferous vegetables are high in folate.

If anybody would like a copy of the Digestive Health article that I gave to Herman, just e-mail me and ask for it and I’ll reply back with a pdf copy.

For Information on the Products I recommend, click here, to contact me.

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